Oh how I wish I could blame the missing Day 10 update on alcohol once again.
Nope, no such luck. Â I spent Day 10 fighting off whatever that nasty creepy crud is that is floating around our fair city.
I am back and grinding away today if for no other reason than to allow my co-workers to share in my joy of being a walking petri dish full of sickly little germ colonies.
Directly related to my sick day yesterday is today’s post on one of the little things that cancer takes away from us that you don’t necessarily think about.
When I found the energy last night to cook something resembling sustenance I fell back to the old tried and true from when I was growing up – the classic grilled cheese sammich and Campbell’s Tomato Soup (no Food Club here – only the finest foods for my friendly energy noshing germ cultures).
As my girlfriend and I slurped down our soup I remarked that no matter how old we get and no matter how sickly we feel, the heavily buttered crust, gooey cheese, and creamy tomato blend always make me think I’m seven years old and Mom is taking care of me.
Which then brings us full circle to Beards for Breast Cancer Day 11. Â Because of that nasty and vile disease called cancer Mom will never again make me her famous grilled cheese sammiches and tell me everything is going to be all right.
You can help beat this.
Get over to Beards for Breast Cancer and donate or buy a t-shirt.
You can help keep the Mom Co. grilled cheese and tomato soup assembly line running for others.
Hey Stalkers